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Dej Cawm Siav
Nraug Cuam
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Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Nraug Cuam January 11th 2015, 8:33 pm

Caw tsoom phooj ywg txhua tus nej leej twg tus txawj tham muaj zaj txaus luag li cas los yeej meem tham tau rau chav no.

Ua tsaug.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Nraug Cuam January 11th 2015, 8:49 pm

Nej Puas Pom Kuv Lub Mis?

Muaj 1 tug poj teacher, nws nyuam qhuav yug tau 1 tug me ab nyuam qhuav puv hli tsis ntev ces nws txawm rov qab mus qhia ntawv dua. Nws 2 lub mis tsis muaj kua pub me nyuam ces nws txawm yuav mis nyuj pub xwb, hnub ntawv yog lub caij ntuj sov ces nws txawm hnav 1 lub tsho ntsej loj loj thiab nyias tsawv mus qhia ntawv, nws kuj coj nws tus me nyuam thiab nqa 1 lub taub mis npaj mus pub nws tus me nyuam.

Nws qhia ntawv 1 me ntsis nws tsis nco qab xyov nws muab nws tus me ab lub Taub Mis tso rau qhov twg lawm, 1 pliag nws tus me ab quaj noj mis ces nws txawm nrhiav, nrhiav li cas los tsis pom, nws khoov xauj qab rooj qab tog los tsis pom, nws thiaj nug nws cov students tias:

"nej puas pom kuv lub mis?"

Cov students teb tias: "peb pom kawg"

Tus poj teacher rov nug tias: "nej pom nyob qhov twg?"

Lawv teb tias: "peb pom nyob ntawm koj hauv siab, thaum koj khoov xauj hauv qab rooj"

Hahahahahahaha ces tus poj teacher cia li txaj txaj muag tseg.

Ua tsaug.

Registration date : 2015-01-04

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by naxus January 11th 2015, 9:02 pm

Tham txog lus funny,
Kuv yuav tham txog ib qhov very serious nws tsi yog funny. Saturday 1/10/2015, kuv tau tsav tsheb mus kev deb li 3 xuab moos yog 167 mile = 268.76 km, thaum kuv mus hla ib lub nroog lawm ces  muaj ntsi pos huab rau thaum sawv ntxov, tsheb ntau heev  lawv tsav tsheb zoo heev  kuv lo yeej tsav zoo tiam si, muaj ib lub tsheb khiav ua kuv ntej nws qeeb heev ces kuv  hus nws ntej mus ib plig kuv ho rov lo rau sab kev qeeb lawm,  mus ib pliag  ze rau lub truck loj nws kuj qeeb lawm thiab ces kuv ho hla nws  mus dhau nws  ces kuv ho pauv lo rau sab xi yog sab khiav qeeb ces txawm muaj ib tug neeg saib kev ruaj ntseg xwb lis (CHP)= ( California highway patrol  txawm  lawv kuv qab kuv tsi pom tos pom nws twb tso teeb liab teeb ntshuab rau kuv lawm xwb,  nws cem kuv ob lo hai tias ( you are bad driver) kuv teb hai tias, No, I am not.   Nws hai tias kuv khiav 85 mile per hours (136.794 km) kuv hai tias, no, kuv khiav yog 70 mile ph (112.654)  vim txoj kev speed limit yeej yog 70 mile ph. Tiam si yog pos huab ces khiav kom qeeb me ntsi.

Yog li nws kuj yog ib tus neeg racism (neeg saib tsi tau neeg txawv) yog li nov nws sau tau ib daim ticket yog daim ntawv  txaum cai tshav tsheb, ces kuv  tsi nrog nws tham kuv sign daim ntawv lawm, lawv teem rau lub 2 hli lawv xav ntawv tom Court tuaj li mus sib hai,  tab si yog lawv xa tuaj ces kuv kawg them nyiaj xwb os. Vim mus nce xam lo yeej kawg poob nyiaj  ces kuv yuav npaj them lawmxwb.

Kuv tsav tsheb tau 34 xyoo, zaum nov ntsib neeg phem,  raug ib daim ticket.  Ho lawv tsav lo tsoo kuv ib zaug,  muab hai lo ces kuv tsav tsheb tau 34 xyoo,  tau ib daim ticket, raug lawv tsoo ib zaug.

Kuv cov lus fun or not fun qhia li nov xwb.

Registration date : 2015-01-04

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by naxus January 11th 2015, 9:06 pm

Kwv Nraug Cuam,

Koj qhov funny story kuj fabni kawg li tiag yom,  nws  tej zaum yuav yog nws nws cov student muab zai lawm pob.

Registration date : 2008-09-12

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by koobpovtxuj January 11th 2015, 9:13 pm

Kuv muaj 1 zaj yog lub caij ntuj no nyob teb chaws America.Hnub ntawd cas cua sov tuaj tsis txaus pes.Yawg sawv los zaum ntawm sofa yawg hais rau tus me ntxhais tseem me tias me ntxhais koj mus muab 3 daim pam me me saum txaj los rau kuv kauv seb cas zoo li no kuv diam ne.Tus ntxhais mus nqa tau 3 daig pam los rau yawg.Thaum no yawg tias cas koj yuav mus nqa ntau ua luaj naj?Tus ntxhais teb tias koj twb kom kuv mus nqa 3 daim pam me me los rau koj no nev kuv mus ces muaj 1 daim me xwb kuv thiaj nqa 2 daig pam loj ntxiv 1 daim pam me.Yawg tsis paub hais li cas yawg tias nqa 2 daim pam loj rov mus cia es tseg daim me rau kuv xwb.Ces tus me ntxhais thiaj li nqa 2 daig pam mus cia lawm.

Registration date : 2009-01-08

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by yujyeeg January 13th 2015, 11:29 am

nyem no cov hluas tsi paub lus hmoob zoo lawm yuav tham dab tsi yuav tau tham kom tag tag lus.

Muaj ib tus yawg tham rau kuv tias, muaj ib nkawm niam txiv nkawv muaj ib tus ntxhais mus yuav txiv, mus lawm tau ib nyuag ntu ces tus ntxhais thiab tus vauv rov qab tuaj xyuas niam tais yawm txiv, Ces niam tais txawm nrog tus ntxhais tham tham Niam tais txawm nug rau tus ntxhais tias  me ntxhais koj mus yuav lawv tav no es puas haum naj, Tus ntxhai teb leej niam tias niam aw...haj tseem xoob os. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 13th 2015, 5:13 pm

Haaaa, yeej yog li tus ntxhai hai lawg, yuav kom txhob zoo li tus ntxhai hai ces kawg mus rau Dr. muab kho dua tshiab es thiaj li  tsi zoo li tus txhai hai.

Kuv saib hauv ib qov video, muaj ib tus txiv neej British  hai rau hauv daim Video hai tias, lawv cov neeg nyob rau lawv lub teb chaws ma lawv yam khoom ma me tag zog tsi phim lawv li. Kuv thiaj li rov ua zoo saib daim video no ua li ca zoo li hai tiag, muab piv rau yus thiab lawv no tseem ua rau yus zoo siab ua neeg lawm thiab.

Registration date : 2008-09-12

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by koobpovtxuj January 13th 2015, 6:11 pm

Yujyeeg thiab Tubzoonraug.
Neb txawj tham kawg kuv tuaj nyeem mas kuv kuj tuaj neej ros tuaj dab ros huv si li tiag.Ua cas lus muaj ntau niam tais ho tsis nug niam tais ho yuav nug tias koj mus yuav lawv tav no es puas haum.Tus ntxhais yuav tsum teb tias thaum nyuam qhuav yuav thawj hmo mas mob mob kuj zoo li ceev kawg tsis tshua haum.Tab sis mus tau 2-3 hnub xwb ces cia li xoob lawm no mas niam thiaj li to taub pob.
Dej Cawm Siav
Dej Cawm Siav

Registration date : 2014-08-29

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Dej Cawm Siav January 15th 2015, 6:38 pm

naxus wrote:Tham txog lus funny,
Kuv yuav tham txog ib qhov very serious nws tsi yog funny. Saturday 1/10/2015, kuv tau tsav tsheb mus kev deb li 3 xuab moos yog 167 mile = 268.76 km, thaum kuv mus hla ib lub nroog lawm ces  muaj ntsi pos huab rau thaum sawv ntxov, tsheb ntau heev  lawv tsav tsheb zoo heev  kuv lo yeej tsav zoo tiam si, muaj ib lub tsheb khiav ua kuv ntej nws qeeb heev ces kuv  hus nws ntej mus ib plig kuv ho rov lo rau sab kev qeeb lawm,  mus ib pliag  ze rau lub truck loj nws kuj qeeb lawm thiab ces kuv ho hla nws  mus dhau nws  ces kuv ho pauv lo rau sab xi yog sab khiav qeeb ces txawm muaj ib tug neeg saib kev ruaj ntseg xwb lis (CHP)= ( California highway patrol  txawm  lawv kuv qab kuv tsi pom tos pom nws twb tso teeb liab teeb ntshuab rau kuv lawm xwb,  nws cem kuv ob lo hai tias ( you are bad driver) kuv teb hai tias, No, I am not.   Nws hai tias kuv khiav 85 mile per hours (136.794 km) kuv hai tias, no, kuv khiav yog 70 mile ph (112.654)  vim txoj kev speed limit yeej yog 70 mile ph. Tiam si yog pos huab ces khiav kom qeeb me ntsi.

Yog li nws kuj yog ib tus neeg racism (neeg saib tsi tau neeg txawv) yog li nov nws sau tau ib daim ticket yog daim ntawv  txaum cai tshav tsheb, ces kuv  tsi nrog nws tham kuv sign daim ntawv lawm, lawv teem rau lub 2 hli lawv xav ntawv tom Court tuaj li mus sib hai,  tab si yog lawv xa tuaj ces kuv kawg them nyiaj xwb os. Vim mus nce xam lo yeej kawg poob nyiaj  ces kuv yuav npaj them lawmxwb.

Kuv tsav tsheb tau 34 xyoo, zaum nov ntsib neeg phem,  raug ib daim ticket.  Ho lawv tsav lo tsoo kuv ib zaug,  muab hai lo ces kuv tsav tsheb tau 34 xyoo,  tau ib daim ticket, raug lawv tsoo ib zaug.

Kuv cov lus fun or not fun qhia li nov xwb.

Oh muaj li rau koj thiab los bro? I am very sorry to hear that bro. Tim nej ko mas txoj cai nruj dhau, yus nti tsis taus & txhaum me me los daws tsis tau li, kawg mus nram Court xwb thiaj tag, nyob li tim 3 no ces thov tus CHP thiab muab me ntsis nyiaj ua dej siab 6 nws xwb ces tag 4 lawm tiag, txoj cai tim nej ko mas zoo 1 qho & ho phem 1 qho thiab. Li cas los kav liam bro, twb txog txij no lawm ces kawg ua siab loj siab tawv mus los kawg mus, txhaum los kawg them nyiaj 6 kom 1 tag 2 tag, cav tsis yog txim loj ces tsis ntshai kiag.
Dej Cawm Siav
Dej Cawm Siav

Registration date : 2014-08-29

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Dej Cawm Siav January 15th 2015, 6:41 pm

Tojxeem wrote:Kuv muaj 1 zaj yog lub caij ntuj no nyob teb chaws America.Hnub ntawd cas cua sov tuaj tsis txaus pes.Yawg sawv los zaum ntawm sofa yawg hais rau tus me ntxhais tseem me tias me ntxhais koj mus muab 3 daim pam me me saum txaj los rau kuv kauv seb cas zoo li no kuv diam ne.Tus ntxhais mus nqa tau 3 daig pam los rau yawg.Thaum no yawg tias cas koj yuav mus nqa ntau ua luaj naj?Tus ntxhais teb tias koj twb kom kuv mus nqa 3 daim pam me me los rau koj no nev kuv mus ces muaj 1 daim me xwb kuv thiaj nqa 2 daig pam loj ntxiv 1 daim pam me.Yawg tsis paub hais li cas yawg tias nqa 2 daim pam loj rov mus cia es tseg daim me rau kuv xwb.Ces tus me ntxhais thiaj li nqa 2 daig pam mus cia lawm.
Tojxeem, koj zaj no los kuj txaus luag kawg thiab tiag, qhov tseeb tiag peb hmoob lo lus 3 (three) & peb (we) yog tib lo lus xwb ces tej thaum yus kuj nkag siab yuam kev hehehehe.
Dej Cawm Siav
Dej Cawm Siav

Registration date : 2014-08-29

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Dej Cawm Siav January 15th 2015, 6:44 pm

yujyeeg wrote:nyem no cov hluas tsi paub lus hmoob zoo lawm yuav tham dab tsi yuav tau tham kom tag tag lus.

Muaj ib tus yawg tham rau kuv tias, muaj ib nkawm niam txiv nkawv muaj ib tus ntxhais mus yuav txiv, mus lawm tau ib nyuag ntu ces tus ntxhais thiab tus vauv rov qab tuaj xyuas niam tais yawm txiv, Ces niam tais txawm nrog tus ntxhais tham tham Niam tais txawm nug rau tus ntxhais tias  me ntxhais koj mus yuav lawv tav no es puas haum naj, Tus ntxhai teb leej niam tias niam aw...haj tseem xoob os. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Yujyeeg, koj zaj no ces similar to zaj uas niam tais hmoob ntsuab hais rau nws tus ntxhais tias: "me ntxhais koj mus no ces txhob muab PAUG 6 VAUV NKIM OV" no ntag tiag, yawm vauv hmoob dawb hnov ces yawg chim siab heev hahahahahahaha.
Dej Cawm Siav
Dej Cawm Siav

Registration date : 2014-08-29

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Dej Cawm Siav January 15th 2015, 6:59 pm

Muaj 1 hnub 2 yawm yij yawm dab hmoob dawb & hmoob ntsuab nkawv txawm sib pab ua tsev nyob, ces tus yawm yij hmoob ntsuab txawm nce mus pav cov qhab tse zaum ruv tsev, hos tus dab laug hmoob dawb tuaj hauv av no cev cov qhab mus rau tus yawm yij ntsuas & pav 6, ces tus dab laug hmoob dawb txawm cev tau 1 tug qhab tse mus 6 tus yawm yij hmoob ntsuab pav, tus yawm yij
hmoob ntsuab muab ntsuas 6 tso yuav pav no, tus dab laug hmoob dawb tuaj hauv av no tsom tsom mus zoo li tus qhab tse luv(short) zog lawm ces yawg txawm hu nrov nrov tias "tsis tau, tsis tau yawm yij luv lawm, luv lawm" no ces tam sim ntawv yawg yawm yij hmoob ntsuab xav tias yog tus qhab tse yuav LOV no ces yawg cia li paj paws saum ruv tsev nrov poog hauv pem teb ua nws yawg sav ceg kiag, tus dab laug hmoob dawb nug tias: " ua cas koj ho dhia saum ruv tsev los ua dab tsi?" yawg yawm yij teb tias: "es daab laug koj twb has tas tus qhaab tse LUV lawm nua ne, yog le kuv xaav tas dla lug zoo dlua thaum tseem tsis tau luv, tsaam nws luv kag tes kuv poob lug haj yaam saab".  Yawm dab laug luag luag yawg thiaj hais tias: " lam nab kuv hais tias tus qhab tse luv zog lawm es tsis ncav es kom koj txhob pav 6 tsis zoo no xwb hos, tsis yog LOV nav "

Hahahahahaha tag li no.

Registration date : 2015-01-04

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by naxus January 15th 2015, 7:39 pm

Nraug Zaj Qab Ntug,

Yog lo ma, kuv tus ntxhai nws nyiam kom ua tshoob American es kuv tsi ua tshoob Hmoob, kuv tso rau nkawv ua li nkawv siab nyiam,   ces hnub Saturday tim 10 ntawd ces mus txog tom kev raug  pull over  tau ib daim check nyiaj ntau heev thiab. Tsi tagt li  muaj ib tug kwv tij tag sim neej es lawv ho thau lo ua kev cai rau hnub ntawd thiab, thaum ua tshoob tiav kuv thiab poj niam lo pws rau tom hotel lawm ces   los ua roman tom hotel lawm ces Sunday tseem yuav mus koom lub ntee thiab ib rooj mov noj thiab no,  tsi tau kaj ntug ces xov tooj nrov ces  hai tias, kuv tus ntxhai 19 xyoo thiab nws tus hlua nraug tsav tsheb lo tsev thaum 10 midnight ntawd es yuav lo ua hauj lwm rau Sunday,  nkawv lo txog 120 miles ces tsaug zog ua tsheb khiav rau nram ntug kev ces tsheb ntxeev   ua rau nkawv raug mog ho tsheb ces  tsi zoo saib tag. Ce xov tooj nrov ces kuv thiaj li yaws khaub yas tsuag lo lawm lo txog rau nram lub Zos  Merced ua yog lub zo nkawv ua tsheb ntxeev ntawd  yog 9 moos am mam li lo saib nkawv ces lawv twb muab nkawv tawm hoos mom lawm. Ce cia lo tos  nkawv lo tsev lawm xwb.

Lawvv plua mov lo tsi tau koom, lub ntee  tuag lo tsi tau koom vim kuv qhov tseem ceeb dua lawm ces kuv lo tsev lawm xwb os.

Nraug Zaj Qab Ntug,

Koj 2 tug yawm yij yawm dab ma lom zem thiag tiag li ho.  Qhov   lus Hmoob leeg hai tias, kom txog muab lub paug rau Vaum nkim, no ces tus Vaum Hmoob dawb xav zoj hai tias, ua li ca niam tai kom tsi  txhob muab paum rau kuv nkaug no ces thiaj li  muaj kev ntsawv siab ntag lau.  Tej nov lo kuj lom zem kawg nkau thiab tiag.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Nraug Cuam January 20th 2015, 2:45 am

Ua li mas tij Naxus, qhov twg yooj 8 thiab sai dua ces ua yam ntawv xwb mas, cov hluas nyiam li ntawv los ua li ntawv kuj yog 1 qho yooj 8  dua os. 3 tim no los tsis kav qee rooj tshoob kuj noj li nplog noj lawm thiab xwb os.

Hahahaha yog kawg bro, 2 yawm yij yawm dab ntawv mas ua tau txaus luag kawg li tiag.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Nraug Cuam January 20th 2015, 2:55 am

Muaj 1 hnub ntuj pheej los nag xuj xuav tsis tu ces A txawm coj A poj niam mus do ua si tom txaj, A & A poj niam nkawv do do txaus ces txawm tawm los txog ntawm rooj paim, A ntsia ntawm qhov rooj no ua ciav A tus phooj ywg txawm siv phob nyuag tuaj tshwm ntawv thiab, A tus phooj ywg txawm zaum zoj tog ces nug tias: " Oh npawg A hnub no ntuj los nag 1 hnub li es ua dab tsi xwb?"

A ua ntsej muag liab liab tag txawm teb tias: "hnub no los los nag li tsis pom qab ua dab tsi es tseem nyuam qhuav coj poj niam mus ua si tom txaj los xwb"

A tus phooj ywg xav xav nws ho tuaj dab ros luag fee das tig sab tim phab ntsa lawm, hahahahaha.

Qhov txaus luag mas yog luag nug luag 1 yam, yus ho mus teb yus 1 yam niag fee das hehehehe

Last edited by Nraug Cuam on January 20th 2015, 3:22 am; edited 1 time in total
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Thov Khawv January 20th 2015, 3:12 am

Cia hnoob puav li tuaj nrog nej koom page no.
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Thov Khawv January 20th 2015, 3:13 am

Kuv tseem tsis tau nyeem sawv daws cov kwv huam li os...cia khoom zog li tuaj zaum tsaws nyeem thiaj lom zem.. Laughing Laughing
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Nraug Cuam January 20th 2015, 3:22 am

Hahahaha ua li mas bro, khoom thaum twg mam tuaj nyeem los tau os.

Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 20th 2015, 5:47 pm

Tej kev tib neeg tau muaj tej yam lawv ua muaj ntsi txau luag li nej tham saum toj sau ma tej zaum kuj yuav tsi yog lawv mam xav mam ua tab si ntxim li lawv tsi nco txog ces tos lawv nco lawv twb hai tag thiab ua tau tag lawm.

Registration date : 2009-01-08

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by yujyeeg January 21st 2015, 2:32 am

Nraug Zaj Qab Ntug. wrote:

Yujyeeg, koj zaj no ces similar to zaj uas niam tais hmoob ntsuab hais rau nws tus ntxhais tias: "me ntxhais koj mus no ces txhob muab PAUG 6 VAUV NKIM OV" no ntag tiag, yawm vauv hmoob dawb hnov ces yawg chim siab heev hahahahahahaha.
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing  ua caag kuv tug miv vauv hmoob dlawb yuav tsi teb kag rua nam tais tas  lig lawm os nam aw...koj tug miv maum tes ham tsi muab PAUG RUA KUV NKIM TXAUS lawm mas nua ne. es yuav ca le khaws Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad xwb Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Dej Cawm Siav
Dej Cawm Siav

Registration date : 2014-08-29

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Dej Cawm Siav January 21st 2015, 6:22 pm

Hahahaha Yujyeeg, xyov li tiag cas vauv ho tsis teb li ko tiag. Vauv hnov niam tais hais li ntawv tag ces vauv xav zoj tias ntshe txij no mus vauv yuav tsis tau PAUG NKIM lawm no ces vauv thiaj chim heev hehehehehe Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing 

Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 21st 2015, 7:05 pm

Yuj Yeeg thiab Kwv Nraug Zaj Qab Ntug,

cov lus ua niam tai hai rau Tus ntxhai hai tias, kom txhob muab lub paug rau Vaum nkim no ma tus vauv ntawd kuj tsi ruam thiab laiv. Qhov kuv hai tias tus vauv tsi ruam no ma vim nws muaj peev xwm muab lo lus ntawd lo vib cai tau hai tias kom txhob muab tus ntxai rau vim nkaug no ces ces tus Vaum thiaj li tau hai cov lus ua tus siab dho lawm thiab.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Nraug Cuam January 21st 2015, 7:15 pm

Hahahaha yog kawg bro, tus vauv ntawv kuj txhais niam tais lo lus tau sai & raug kawg heheheheheh,  tab txawm yog yus los ntshe yuav chim thiab nawb.

Registration date : 2008-09-12

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by koobpovtxuj January 21st 2015, 9:13 pm

Kuv xav tias yog tus vauv hnov niam tais hais tias kom txhob muab lub paug rau vauv nkim no ces vauv los txog vauv cia li tsis kov tus ntxhais li ntag no ntshe tus ntxhais tseem yuav ua plaub rau tus vauv qees thiab nawb.
Kuv hnov 1 zaj dab neeg txog cov laus thaum ub mas lawv yuav nyab tshiab los ces lawv tsis pub nrog tus tub pw 3 hmos ua ntej tsis tau ua tshoob.Lawv cia nrog cov muam pw ua ntej 3 hmos tsis tau ua tshoob ces cov muam cov hluas nraug tuaj tham cov muam ces lawv sib xa ces tus nyab tshiab hnov nkawd sib ua nyab tshiab thev tsis taus nyab thiaj li cev tes mus puag hluas nraug ces hluas nraug muab nyab xa ces tus muam mam li qhia cov laus ces txij li ntawd los thiaj li tsis pub nrog cov muam pw 3 hmos ua ntej tsis tau ua tshoob lawm no laiv.
Qhov lawv caiv mas yog cia 3 hmos ua tshoob tag mam li nrog pw mas hu plig tag kom plig nyiaj plig kub plig tub plig kiv los lawm mas mam li pub tus tub nrog pw ua neej thiaj li muaj tub muaj ki muaj nyiaj nplua nuj no nawb.Nej ne puas tau hnov dua zaj dab neeg kuv tham no thiab.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Nraug Cuam January 21st 2015, 10:05 pm

Nyob zoo Tojxeem, kuv tsis tau hnov dua li koj hais ko thiab nawb. Sib yuav tshiab tshiab ces twb cia siab 6 thaum 3 tag kis tshiab tshiab ntawv xwb ntag hos. Yog tseem tsis pub pw ua ke 3 tag kis ua ntej ua tshoob thiab ces kuv xum tsis yuav, thiab plig tub plig ki yeej tsis los li os.

Registration date : 2008-09-12

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by koobpovtxuj January 21st 2015, 10:18 pm

Nov mas hnov cov laus qhov ncauj ua zog xwb xyov puas muaj.Ua li koj hais xwb tiag twb yog vam thawj hmo tias 1 pliag noj hmo tag mus pw tom txaj mas kuv yuav pom tib lub zoo li cas ntag no las as.Tseem yuav tos 3 hmos tom qab ua tshoob tiav tag thiab ces yus tsis sov siab li las as.

Kuv li mas kuv tham qhov ncaj ncees thaum tsis tau yuav ces yus yeej yog hluas nkauj hluas nraug sib swm ces yus twb xub muab plig nyiaj plig kub tsoo tawg tag puag ntxov lawm.Ces txawm yog thawj hmo sib yuav los zoo li kuj tsis pov khawv dab tsi li thiab tiag.
Dej Cawm Siav
Dej Cawm Siav

Registration date : 2014-08-29

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Dej Cawm Siav January 22nd 2015, 12:24 am

Hahaha yog mas Tojxeem, twb vam thaum 3 tag kis tshiab tshiab es ntuj tsaus tsis tsaus los twb maj ua neeb nqis hiav nyhav li nyhav mus tos ntsuj tub ntsuj ki ntag hos, yog tseem cia kom puv 3 tag kis es mam pub yus ua neeb nqis hiav thiab ces kawg tag kev cia siab thiab laj tos dhau hehehehehe.

Kuv mas ho tsis tau tsoo plig tub plig ki tawm dhia nplawg ntia mam xub yuav li koj ov Tojxeem, kuv mas yuav tau lawm mam tsoo mas thaum 3 tag kis ntawv mas muaj siab tiag tiag li nawb, thawj 3 hmos ntawv ces kaj ntug plaws yeej tsis tuaj 1 tug dab ntub li ntag nawb hehehehehehe.
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Thov Khawv January 22nd 2015, 3:02 am

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Masss10

Nyob zoo cov npov dawm, twb tag xyoo tshiab ntev lawm tsis kav kuv tseem xa xyoos laus tsis tseg. Nyob zoo nej os.

Registration date : 2009-01-08

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by yujyeeg January 22nd 2015, 4:36 am

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Txhob lam xa tus mos ab mus tsam tshuav cov laus hiab suabcib mus cug ces poob tsi ti qab thu os me kwv  TASLAUVVWM  aw..... bounce bounce

Registration date : 2008-09-12

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by koobpovtxuj January 22nd 2015, 5:11 am

*Tas Lauv Vwm wrote:
Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Masss10

Nyob zoo cov npov dawm, twb tag xyoo tshiab ntev lawm tsis kav kuv tseem xa xyoos laus tsis tseg. Nyob zoo nej os.
Kwv tas lauv.
Cas nej yuav txawj xa xyoo laus txawj txais xyoo tshiab ua luaj li lau.
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Thov Khawv January 22nd 2015, 5:55 am

Cas lub pees lawm xwb os tij Yujyeeg....hehe

Tij Tojxeem, pom luag xa ces cia li xa xwb. Very Happy Very Happy

Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 22nd 2015, 6:21 pm

cov phooj ywg,

nej daim duab funny nov yog cai lawm thiab tiag. Xa xyoo lau tos txhai xyoo tshiab ma yuav tau xa li nov thiaj li yog raws kuv xav, vim li ca? vim hai tias tus xyob txhiaj ces yog tus muab tuam rau hauv dej ntag. Ho lawv xav lo lawv yuav xav cov txiv neej ib yam nkau li thiab. 2 tog neeg nov ma yeej hai tsi haum kiag li os.
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Thov Khawv January 23rd 2015, 6:53 pm

hehehe...yog thiab mas bro Davdub. Xa li no mas qhav kawg tiag.
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Thov Khawv January 23rd 2015, 7:38 pm

Zoo li khoom noj haus nyob Vees Cas kim kawg li lawm, lam tso rau nej nyeem os (Lao characters) xwb.


Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 23rd 2015, 8:32 pm

Khoom noj kim kawg kiag li lawm os. Ib teb qe 30/40 phav raug nyiam 3/4 dollars thiab, tam sim nov ntawm USA ib teb qe 30 lub yog $10 lawm os. Kim heev li lawm thiab
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Thov Khawv January 23rd 2015, 10:50 pm

Lov tij Davdub, yog li mas kim kawg thiab tiag yom.

Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 24th 2015, 8:48 am

Khoom noj khoom hau nyob rau USA nov ma kim heev lawm, hai txog gasoline ho pheej yig tuaj lawm nawb, ib gallon raug nyiaj usa $ 2.23 lawm xwb yav tag nce txog $4 per gallon. Tab si khoom noj khoom siv nce nqi siab heev lawm os.

Yog roj qi nqi heev lawm ma, lawv yuav ib gallon oil yog 200 gallon raug nyiaj $50 lawm xwb, lawv thiaj li ua tau pheej yig li nov lawm os.

200 gallon oil muab ua tau 200 gallon gas lawv muag 1 gallon $2.33 x 200=466 yog li nov lawv kuj tsi tau nyiaj ntau thiab tiam si lawv muag txheej 5/6 phav gallon xwb ces lawv make a lot of $.

Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 24th 2015, 8:12 pm

Niam ntawm daim duab
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Thov Khawv January 24th 2015, 10:34 pm

Tubzoonraug wrote:Khoom noj khoom hau nyob rau USA nov ma kim heev lawm, hai txog gasoline  ho pheej yig tuaj lawm nawb, ib gallon  raug nyiaj usa $ 2.23  lawm xwb yav tag nce txog $4 per gallon.   Tab si khoom noj khoom siv nce nqi siab heev lawm os.

Yog roj qi nqi heev lawm ma, lawv yuav ib gallon oil yog 200 gallon raug nyiaj $50 lawm xwb, lawv thiaj li ua tau pheej yig li nov lawm os.

200 gallon  oil muab ua  tau 200 gallon gas  lawv muag 1 gallon $2.33 x 200=466  yog li nov lawv kuj tsi tau nyiaj ntau thiab tiam si lawv muag txheej 5/6 phav gallon xwb ces lawv make a lot of $.
Yog Gasoline pheej yim lawm mas tsis tshua muaj dab tsi txhawj lawm thiab kab tias txhua yam yuav tsis tshua kim yom. Zoo li nyiaj US Dollar muaj nqis zog tuaj lawm. Yog zoo li no mas tom ntej no nyaj khoom yuav rov pheej yig me ntsis.
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Thov Khawv January 24th 2015, 10:36 pm

hahahaa cas thaub dawb no txhoj tshaj li yom. Kuv cov phooj ywg yog kuv ua li ko rau mas ntshe lawv muab kuv caum ncaws thas this os. Phooj ywg Hmoob mas siab luv heev thaum nws chim lawm mas nws yeej tsis khes tias yog phooj ywg li lawm.

Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 25th 2015, 12:29 am

Kwv Tas Lauv,

Kuv luag tsi tau li os, thaum kuv saib ma ua rau kuv luag2 tsi tau vim ua rau yawg tham phone khau hle tag ho lub cellphone poob tag li lawm tiag. Nws ntshai kawg nkau li, nws xav hai tias ntshe leej twg tua nws li lawm no sub laiv.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Nraug Cuam January 25th 2015, 3:51 am

Li no mas thiaj yog "noj qaib nqaig aw..........." tiag ov hehehehehehe.


Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 25th 2015, 6:40 am

Brother, lawv tus lau qaib nov lawv muab lub suab kho qeeb2 rau lawm es thiaj li zoo li lawm ma, Koj mloog lawv ua nws hloov suab ntau lub ces ntseeg tau hai tias yog lawv kho lawm qab lub suab tsi zoo lli ntawd.

Registration date : 2009-01-08

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by yujyeeg January 25th 2015, 12:13 pm

kuv yuav piav ib zaj Tham hlaus nkauj duab tojsiab.

Xyoo tag los no muaj ib tus kwv tij tau mus saib cov ab mos tim nplog, Nyob rau teb chaws no nws kuj muaj ib tus phooj ywg thiab tus phooj ywg thaub laus ntawd tham tau ib tus ab mos nyob tim nplog thiab tab mas tsuas yog hluas nkauj xov tooj xwb yeej tsi tau ntsib thiab pom li nkawv yeej sib ua nkauj nraug phooj ywg hauv xov tooj ntev los lawm, Tus thaub laus tim no los yeej xa xa nyiaj mus pub rau lawm  thiab. Ces thaub laus hais rau thaub tus phooj ywg uas yuav mus saib ab mos tim nplog teb tias kom nws mus txog tim no ces nws pab mus saib thaub tus me ab mos seb ho zoo npaum li cas nws tsuas tham hauv lub xov tooj xwb tsi tau pom dua li, Ces thaub tus phooj ywg txawm mus txog rau nplog muaj ib hnub thaub tus phooj ywg txawm mus txog rau lub zos uas thaub laus tus hluas nkauj nyob ces nws thiaj hais mus rau kom tuaj ntsib nws es nws tus phooj ywg thaub laus tim ub xav pom thiab faj tau khoom plig meme. Ces thaub laus tus hluas nkauj txawm tuaj tiag ua cas yawg saib tsi yog hluas nkauj yog ib niag pog laus lawm sav, Tab sis thaub laus tim ub twb muab 100 Euros rau kom nws tus phooj ywg pab nqa mus rau, ces tus ab mos laus no thiaj tuaj nqa. Thaum pom li ntawd tag lawm tus phooj ywg thiaj li nrog tham lus nug ntau yam tias tus phooj ywg thaub laus tus tseem hluas nkauj uas nkawv niaj hnub sib hu xovtooj puas tseeb yog nws tiag, Nws thiaj lav loos tias tseeb yeej yog nws, Ces tus phooj ywg thiaj kiv xov tooj rov los rau nws tus phooj ywg thaub laus tim no  nws piav li tau pom ntawm qhov muag ces thiaj li muab lub xov tooj rau ab mos laus tham nrog tus thaub laus tim no seb lub suab thiab nkawv tej kev hais lus puas yog tus uas nws ib txwm cia siab, Thaum nkawv sib tham lus tag  ces tus phooj ywg thiaj tham thaum kawg nrog thaub laus tias puas yog koj tus hluas nkauj uas koj niaj hnub tham, thaub laus tim no thiaj teb tias yog kawg os yeej yog lub suab ko thiab tus neeg ko ntag es koj muab kuv 100Euros rau. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 25th 2015, 12:24 pm

Yuj Yeeg, cov thaub lau ntawd ruam heev li os, peb tham phone ma peb pom online li webcam kiag hov, sib ntsia ntsoov hov,  hauv phoos ces nej mus down load (Tango) chat video rau ces nej muaj cov hlua nkauj ua lawv down load li yus thiab ces ob leeg tham tau zoo ib yam nkau li lub computer desktop ma.

Cov thaub lau ntawd tsi paub ne, lawv tsua sib tham phone xwb ces thiaj li zoo li ntawd, peb tham chat hauv fb (facebook) ma peb turn webcam on ces peb yeej pom tus neeg kiag li os. Lawv muab paum peb saib ma lawv yeej hle tiab kiag tsom peb saib hov yog thaum lawv muab paum saib tiag lawm ces kawg xav mentsi nyiaj mus pub rau xwb tiag. hahhhh ua li nov ma poob nyiaj rau yus saib lo tsi khuv xim lawm ma. Ho zoo li cov thaub lau ruam ntaws es tsi pom neeg es xa nyiaj mus ma yog tshuav lawv nqi xwb ne.

Registration date : 2008-09-12

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by koobpovtxuj January 25th 2015, 11:50 pm

Txiv ntxawm Yujyeeg.
Yog twb muaj tus phooj ywg no mus pom kiag lawm twb qhia meej tias yog niag pog laus xwb tsis yog hluas nkauj no los tseem kom muab nws 100 Euros rau thiab ces yog vwm rau cov lus sib tham lawm kav liam mas nawb.Yuav muab nyiaj xa mus rau mas yeej yog yus tus kheej tau mus pom tau pw ua ke lawm ntag mas thiaj li tsim nyog muab.Hos yog tsis tau sib ntsib li tsuas yog hnov lo lus thiab pom duab xwb cia li zoo siab xa nyiaj mus rau lawm ces yog neeg vwm lawm xwb.

Registration date : 2008-09-12

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by koobpovtxuj January 26th 2015, 4:14 am

Hmo no kuv pom lawv tuaj ua hauj lwm ntawm kuv qaum tsev Garage.Kuv lub Garage rau tsheb thiab khej dub lub Garage rau tsheb nyob sib npuas sib ze.Kuv tsis pom thaum tus hluas nkauj khej dub tuaj tab sis kuv pom thaum tus tub hluas khej dub dhia ceev ceev tuaj nkag kiag rau pem kuv qaum tsev Garage ntawm lawv lub tsev Garage thiab kuv lub kem nruab nrab lawm.Kuv xav tias niag tsov tom khej dub ntawd tuaj ua tub sab xwb ntag.Ces kuv thiaj li maj mam mus sab tog tsev tom no mus xauj tsam yog nws tuaj ua tub sab nyiag kuv tej khoom dab tsi.Thaum kuv maj mam nyas mus xauj no ntuj aw ua cas yog nkawd 2 niag tsov tom khej dub ntawd tab tom tuaj sib khawm sij nwj npij npawj pem qaum tsev Garage kem nyuag uas ti ti ntawm lawv lub tsev Garage thiab kuv lub mus sib npuab.Tsis hais haiv neeg twg cov hluas ces txawm no npaum twg los tsis tau yam hauj lwm ntawd ces yeej pw tsis tsaug zog.Ti npaum twg los lam cia li tuaj sawv ntsug ntawm tej nyuag phab ntsa ua hauj lwm li lawm.

Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 26th 2015, 9:12 pm


Koj tsi pom tseeb, thaum kuv tseem tus school tsau ntuj ma kuv pom cov tub ntxhai tuaj tsuav ntsuag ma haib kawg nkau hov. Kuv nkaum hauv tsev saib ntawm qhov rai mus ma lom zem tshaj saibi hauv cov niag video liab qab hov, muaj ib zaum ib tug nai khu nyob lig lig ces kuv mus pom ib 2 niag tab tom sib ua ntawm tus nai khus ntawd qhov rooj ces kuv ho lug mus ib sab qhov rooj mus rau hauv tus nai khu hoob ces kuv qhia rau tus nai khu hai tias, koj sim saib ntawd seb? 2 tus niag tseem tab tom sib ua no ce nws maj mam yaws ntaub ntawm qhov rai mus saib ma nws zaum zuj zuav ma nws hlo baum li nws noj kua txob ntsim tiag.

Nws tsi kuv ma nws lub qhov muag tshuav tawm rau kuv lawm xwb, tab si kuv tsi hai lus kuv tawm lawm vim ua hauj lwm hauv District ces kuv tsi hai lus dab tsi vim ntshai poob kam.

Registration date : 2008-09-12

Character Sheet

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by koobpovtxuj January 26th 2015, 10:42 pm

Lub caij ntawd ntshe tus nai khu ntawd twb xav tias kom koj muab nws tsuav ntsuag ntag tab sis nws tsis zoo qhib ncauj hais koj xwb nawb.

Registration date : 2009-12-15

Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

Post by Tubzoonraug January 26th 2015, 11:39 pm

Toj Xeem

Kuv yeej xav txawv lawm thiab kuv thiaj li ua twj ywm tawm mus lawm os, vim ua hauj lwm rau hauv public employee ces luag liab liam li ca lo yus kawg mag. Peb muaj ntau txoj cai ua laj kam es peb very be careful txog tej kev hai lus tsi zoo mloog ntawd ma.

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Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem, Empty Re: Joke and funny / tham lus tso daj tso luag ua si lom zem,

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