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Introduction for new Register


Introduction for new Register Empty Introduction for new Register

Post by Introduc August 23rd 2008, 8:03 pm

InTroDucTions To New Register

Introduction for new Register Register1

1) Introduction how to register. Qhia txog rau nej tuaj tso npe.

2) Nej nyem Register, tej pom cov lus nej mus nyem I agree xwb ces nej yuav mus pom qhov chaws rau nes sau npe thiab nej tus email.

Introduction for new Register Register2

3) thaum nej pom user name nes sau nej lub npe
4) sau nej tus email
5) sau nej tus passwords tag nej nyem save rau tag ces nej yuav pom qhov confirm nej rov sau nej tus passwords dua ces rov save rau.
6) Thaum nej ua li ntawd tag lawm nej mus xyua hauv nej tus email ces nej yuav rov pom nej tus passwords thiab nej qhov link txawm rau hauv.
7) Thaum nej mus log in nej tus email lawm, nej yuav pom nej tus passwords ces nej mam li rov qab los log in lub forum dua ces nej yeej mus tau lawm .
Cool Nej tsi tag yuav ua dab tsi li lawm nej yeej tso tau duab music, music video tib sis.

Introduction for new Register Empty Gallary

Post by Introduc August 24th 2008, 10:25 pm

Introduction for new Register Gallyintroduction

Cov phooj ywg, nej yog member lawm nej mus muab duab los yog bowse nej cov duab hauv nej lub pc lo post nej saib tau qhov instruction no!

Registration date : 2008-08-21

Character Sheet

Introduction for new Register Empty Introduction to image

Post by Admin August 30th 2008, 10:43 am

Introduction for new Register Introlductionimage1
Introduction for new Register Introductionimage2

Introduction for new Register Empty Re: Introduction for new Register

Post by Guest May 27th 2009, 5:43 pm

Introduction how to register,

1) when you register and save done.
2) you need to go back to log in again.
3) when you log in, you will see your avatar appeared on the profile.
4) if you want a photo on your avatar, you may up load direct from your PC, or you can copy picture link to paste in.
5) you also attach link to your signature.
6) you may go through all in formations.
7) you may also fix your box by click at references and follow through all box and mark yes/no depend you choose.

Qhia thaum nej tuaj ua member,

1) Yog nej sau npe thiab tso nej tej lus tag lawm nej ( save )rau ce tag.
2) Thaum koj sau npe tag lawm koj rov qab li nia rau ( log in ) dua.
3) Thaum koj (log in), koj yuav pom koj lub npe tswm raum qhov profile.
4) Yog koj xav muab duab tso rau koj qhov (avatar=tus duab), koj yuav tau up load ncaj dram hauv koj lub PC, lo yog koj opy duab link lo paste rau.
5) Koj muaj peev xwm tso tau duab link rau koj qhov (signature=lub npe).
6) koj muaj peev xwm mus xyua tau tej yam ua koj pom.
7) Koj muaj peev xwm kho koj lub mail koj nia rau qhov (references) koj maj mam nyeem xyua mus mam li kos rau cov (box koj kos yes/no nyob ntawm koj xaiv.

Introduction for new Register Empty Re: Introduction for new Register

Post by Guest July 29th 2010, 4:06 pm

(Direction) after register and you can't log in. (kev qhia) yog thaum nej register tag nej nkag tsi tau los rau hauv forum


Yog hai tias, nej register tag es nej nkag tsi tau rau hauv lub forum, nej mus rau hauv nej tus email es nej mus saib hauv nws xa ib kab link lo rau hauv lawm.


Nej mus saib hauv nej tus email tag nej nia hauv ces nej rov los log in dua nej yeej nkag tau lawm os.


Yog nej register tag es nws hai tias your register


no nej rov qab los log in xwb yeej tau lawm os.

Yog nej muaj lus hnug dab tsi txhob ua siab deb sau lus rau hauv nov peb li tuaj saib mam li pab nej. Ua nej sawv daws tsaug ntau2

Registration date : 2009-12-15

Introduction for new Register Empty Re: Introduction for new Register

Post by Tubzoonraug November 15th 2011, 6:32 pm

Here is writing in side

Here is writing in side

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