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How to change your name or passwords


Qhov direct no pua pab tau rau nej thiab?

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Total Votes: 3

How to change your name or passwords Empty How to change your name or passwords

Post by Guest September 19th 2008, 12:51 pm

Hello, Nyob zoo cov Phooj ywg sawv daws.

Yog nej xav hloov nej tus email los yog nej lub npe thiab paswords li nram qab no:

1) Nej mus saib lub profile nyob hauv qab Hmong thoob Nthiaj Teb, nej yuav pom lub Icon Profile.
2) Nej mus nyem los yog Click at the profile, lub profile, nej yuav pom cov lus hai nyob rau ntawm sab laug or left.
3) Nej rov sau dua nej lub npe tshiab, ces nej saiv tus qub paswords rau los tau los yog nej siv tus password tshiab lo tau.
4) Nej sau tag lub npe tshiab lawm nej sau tus passwords rau tag rov Confirm dua.
5) Nco ntsoob Save thaum nej sau tag.
6) ces tag li ntawd lawm xwb nej yeej tau lub name tshiab lawm los yog nej ua ib yam li ntawd rau nej tus new passwords los ua ib yam xwb.
Thov ua nej sawv daws tsaug.

Qaib thiab qav kaw...

Last edited by TubHmoob on November 10th 2009, 12:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

How to change your name or passwords Empty Re: How to change your name or passwords

Post by Guest November 10th 2009, 11:06 pm

Monthly Calender,2009
