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Dej Cawm Siav
Nraug Cuam
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Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum


Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub December 5th 2014, 5:18 am

Zoosiab tos txai Nom Tswb Thoj lo nrog peb sawv daws laug hnub laug nyoog thiab.


Registration date : 2008-09-12

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by koobpovtxuj December 5th 2014, 1:22 pm

Nyob zoo Nom tswb thoj.Zoo siab tias koj tuaj nrog peb ua 1 tug tswv cuab hauv no mog.
Vam ntsoov tias koj yuav muaj lub tswv yim zoo muaj zoo txuj ci tuaj pub peb khaws cia ua pov haum mog.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub December 5th 2014, 3:11 pm

Zoosiab ma Tojxeem, zoo li pom nws tuaj saib peb thiab tab si tsi pom nws sau lus rau qhov twg li os.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam December 7th 2014, 1:17 am

Zoo siab txais tos phooj ywg Nom Tswb Thoj tuaj nrog 3 tso daj tso luag ua si laug hnub laug hmo, tuaj lawm muaj txuj muaj ci los yeej meem nthuav tawm pub 3 tau kawm thiab os phooj ywg.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub December 7th 2014, 8:16 am

Kwv Nraug Cuam, nej noj tsiab tag lawm es  ntshe nej twb rov qab yuav pib mus ua liaj ua teb lawm pob? Kwv nraug cuam, ua li ca kuv saib nej tej liaj tej teb tag ma kho siab kawg nkau li os. Nws ua rau kuv fav siab kawg kuv xav lo nrog nej nyob tim nej kawg. Tim si, sav tau ua tsi tau xwb vim kuv  tsipaub ua liaj ua teb thiab kuv yog ib tus neeg muaj tsi cis nab=(tub nkeeg) kuv yog tus neeg poj niam  yog tus tiam kuv li tus huab tai xwb es ntshe kuv lo tim nej nws yuav kho siab rov rau USA dua thiab... Haaaa

Brother,  muaj caij nyoog tuaj tsham tim peb thiab os? tuaj txog  sau ntawv rau kuv es kuv ho coj koj lo saib kuv thiab ho tuaj mus  ua zog=( ua hauj lwm hauv teb)?

Dej Cawm Siav
Dej Cawm Siav

Registration date : 2014-08-29

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Dej Cawm Siav December 8th 2014, 12:28 am

Nyob zoo tij Davdub, 3 noj 30 tag lawm ces so hnub puav xwb twb yuav rov qab mus pib liaj pib teb dua thiab tiag, nyob teb chaws no cov muaj liaj muaj teb khov kho ces kuj lias tau so ntau hli me ntsis, hos cov tsis muaj liaj teb mas nyuaj siab kawg. Bro saib tej quav liaj quav teb mas kho siab kawg tiag, 1 xyoo 1 cim qoob nim dhau lawm zuj zus, lub caij lub nyoog nim dhau lawm zuj zus yam tus dej ntws tsis muaj hnub rov, 3 lub hnub nyoog & lub cev ntaj ntsug tsuas muaj laus lawm zuj zus 1 yam nkaus, tsis paub xyov txoj sia txoj pa yuav tu hnub twg, xav mus xav los tu siab kawg os tij laug.  Bro, kuv kuj pom tus puav kwv tij hmoob tim nej ko los ua neej nrog 3 tim no ntu puav lawv kuj lam nyob thiab mas, tab sis feem ntau yog lawv muaj zoo lag luam los ua, hos yog muaj nyiaj es yuav liaj teb dav fo es los zov liaj zov teb no kuj ntxim yuav kaj siab kawg thiab tiag bro. Qhov niag ua liaj ua teb ntawv xwb mas txawm yus tsis paub los yog yus los xyaum ua kiag ntu puav xwb yeej paub lawm, tab sis qhov nyuaj zog mas yog laus lawm ces laj laj phov & tsis muaj zog li thaum hluas lawm xwb os bro, kuv los tsis kav zoo li tsam no hnub nyoog siab zus nkees zus, zog ntaug zus lawm thiab tiag.

Xyov puas muaj hnub muaj hmoo tau tuaj pom nej lub teb chaw ntuj ceeb tsheej tim ko li os bro, vim 3 ua Visa nyuaj dhau, cia xyoo puav kom laus zog seb ho puas khwv tau me ntsis nyiaj & puas xam phaj tau tuaj saib nej 1 zaug os bro. Koj nyob ze kuv cov kwv tij tim ko, yog tau tuaj no yeej kawg yuav tau pom koj xwb mas bro. Yog hnub twg tau tuaj tim ko mas tseem muaj ntau yam heev yuav vam koj ua tij pab nawb.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub December 8th 2014, 3:26 pm

Zoosiab ma brother,

Hai txog cov neeg lo nyob tim nej ces nws nyob tim USA lo nws tsi muaj vaj tsi muaj tsev tag li lawm vim cov neeg lo tim nej ces nws muab lub neej rhuav tag li lawm os, ces nws lam ua ib siab lo nyob lawm xwb thiab nws tsua txhau tau qho mentsi nyiaj xwb nws yeej tsi muaj npaum li ca thiab.

feem coob lo yog feem ntau lawv nyiag ua cov maj lawv ua luam maj ces ib lub xyoo twg lawv tau nyiaj li 100 phav lawv ua li 2 xyoo xwb ces lawv tsum kiag ces lawv tau nyiaj lawm.

Bro, cov neeg tuaj travel nyob rau tim USA nov raws kuv paub xwb Lao government yeej allow nearly 3000 people per year to travel outer Country yog li nov nej tsi sim xwb yog sim no yeej yuav tau ma raws kuv xav.
Dej Cawm Siav
Dej Cawm Siav

Registration date : 2014-08-29

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Dej Cawm Siav December 10th 2014, 1:20 am

Bro, yeej xav tuaj saib nej 1 zaug kawg, tab sis xyov puas muaj chance tau tuaj li os. Lawv cov tuaj tau tim nej mas vim lawv muaj nyiaj, muaj laj kam zoo & muaj txheeb ze pab. Hos kuv ces ntshe npau hmoob tuaj xwb os bro hehehehe.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub December 10th 2014, 5:00 pm

Bro, koj hai yog lawm ma, yog bau Hmoob tuaj ma yeej yuav kawg tau tuaj ma, yog bua suav xwb ma thiaj li yuav tsi tau tuaj laiv. Koj hai yeej yog li koj hai kawg, qhov tiag yog yus tsi muaj nyiaj li koj hai xwb qhov tuaj ces luag tej twb tsi muaj nyiaj li lo luag tej yeej tuaj tau kawg ma.

Qhov tseem ceeb ces yuav yog muaj kev tij pab thiab es thiaj li yuav tuaj tau thiab os.

Registration date : 2008-09-12

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by koobpovtxuj December 10th 2014, 8:57 pm

Cov phooj ywg sawv daws.Xyov li tiag kuj pom yawm txiv Nom tswb thoj tuaj txog 1 nyuag pliag ces txawm cia li ploj pliag qab zaj zeb rov plaws puag suav tuam tshoj teb.Cia li ploj pliag qab zaj ca tawm plaws rov rau suav tuam tshoj nrag lawm.Sawv daws ua siab ntev tos nyaj yog nws tuaj tsham zoov tsham tsuag los ncaj ntawm no xwb.Cia xab nyeej rov lwm xyoo seb nws puas yuav rov tuaj dua lawm xwb mog.
Dej Cawm Siav
Dej Cawm Siav

Registration date : 2014-08-29

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Dej Cawm Siav December 10th 2014, 11:53 pm

Davdub wrote:Bro, koj hai yog lawm ma, yog bau Hmoob tuaj ma yeej yuav kawg tau tuaj ma, yog bua suav xwb ma thiaj li yuav tsi tau tuaj laiv. Koj hai yeej yog li koj hai kawg,  qhov tiag yog yus tsi muaj nyiaj li koj hai xwb qhov tuaj ces luag tej twb tsi muaj nyiaj li lo luag tej yeej tuaj tau kawg ma.

Qhov tseem ceeb ces yuav yog muaj kev tij pab thiab es thiaj li yuav tuaj tau thiab os.
Yog li koj ua tij hais kawg mas bro, cia seb xyoo puav tom ntej no puas muaj chance tau tuaj saib nej 1 zaug os. Kuv ces ntshe tsuas tau tuaj hauv tus dab ntub npau suav xwb os hehehehehehe.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub December 11th 2014, 6:10 pm

Kuv Nraug Zaj Qab Ntug

Txawm tsi tau tuaj saib teb chaws suab puam lo koj twb paub Internet ces koj twb saib tej tebchaws nov hauv video thiab tej niag google map lo yog google Earth lawm ces koj yeej paub hai tias nws zoo li ca lawm. Tim tebchaws suab puam nov ma nws kuj tsi zoo luaj twg thiab ma, tsua yog hai tias luag lub teb chaws muaj limit tsi tag li luag muaj private property,  luag muaj luag qhov right protecting luag  property.  Yog yus tsi paub yus mus yuam kev ces kawg luag muab yus tuas  ntxoov rau tsiaj noj lawm xwb. Tos kuv hai li nov ma cov Hmoob nyob rau sab raum teb, I mean Hmong live in Minnesota  lawv mus hunting lawv mus tau rau luag private land ces raug luag tuas raug luag ntau.


Registration date : 2008-09-12

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by koobpovtxuj July 11th 2015, 8:17 pm

Yawm txiv Nom tswb thoj mus lawm ncaj qha tsis hnov xov li lawm.Nej leej twg paub nws xov tooj thiab pom nws tsev no ho mus raws nws tuaj nrog peb tham seb.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub July 11th 2015, 9:48 pm

Toj Xeem,  Koj pua nyob zoo thiab?  tau 2/3 hnub nov tsi pom koj tuaj lawm kuv twb txhawj koj  tab si ho pom koj tuaj no ces kuv tseem zoo siab  tau ntsib koj ma. Ua li koj hai cov tshuaj ua koj qhia peb ntawd pua ntxim  yuav pab tau koj tus mob thiab? muaj xov dab tsi no ces ho qhia peb paub thiab nawb?

Hai txog tus  Nom Tswb Thoj koj tham nov ma kuv lo tsi paub thiab ces ntshe yuav tsi muaj leej twg paub lawm nawb,  es  nws ho  muaj xov dab tsi koj pua qhia tau thiab?

Zoosiab ntsib koj nawb.

Registration date : 2008-09-12

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by koobpovtxuj July 12th 2015, 4:59 am

Kuv kuj tseem nyob zoo li qub tab sis yog muaj chaw tab kaum lawm thiaj li tsis tuaj ua si lawm xwb.Hais txog kuv cov tshuaj los kuj tsis paub meej tias puas pab tau cia ntu puav seb zoo li cas.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub July 12th 2015, 7:38 am

Toj Xeem,

Zoosiab ua koj tseem nyob zoo, kuv lo kuj nyob zoo  thiab, peb ua neeg nyob ma nyia yeej muaj nyia ib tug mob nrog draim nyia li os. Tsi tham tawm xwb yog tham tawm ces   zoo li yus txawm yuav tso ntiaj teb tseg sai2 xwb es tsi tham xwb. Peb ua ib tug neeg nyob ma zoo li  txoj sia tsi ntev li tiag, ib yam li tej American lau  thaj tsam li 70 xyoo nce, cov nov ma tuag sai kawg nkau li os, ntau xyoo dhau lo lawm, kuv nyob xyaw ib cov  American lau  ma lawv kuj tuaj nrog yus tham  ua si lub caij txiav nyom  thiab tus qab vaj tsib taug ntawd, lawv kuj nyob luag ntxhi, tsi nte xwb lawv txawm siv hai tias tuag lawm,  tus twg lo twb tuag lawm no xwb tiag. Ce  ua li ca kuv niam cia li tuag lawm,  kuv yawm yij lo tuag lawm, nws niam nws txiv tseem khov kho lo tuag lawm, yawm yij tus kwv lo tuag lawm, kuv yawm txiv lo tuag lawm  kuv yawm txiv  niam thiab txiv lo tuag tag lawm thiab.

Muab hai lo ces kuv yawm yij  niam thiab txiv mus rau nws cov kwv tij ua niam txiv yug ces tuag tag li lawm tsi muaj leej twg li. Tsua tsuav cov muam thiab  kuv yawm yij cov tub kis lawm xwb. Nov ma tsua yog lam tham kom muaj lus nyeem xwb os Toj Xeem.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 13th 2015, 4:01 am

Kuv tsis pom tsis paub Nom Tswb Thoj li as pom Neej Tswb & Neej Tsu nkawv sib do nov xwb hahahahaha

Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Thov Khawv July 17th 2015, 1:32 am

Tam sim no kuv tseem tab tom vwm rau cov mi zaub mos mos tim tsev lawm kuv thiaj tuaj hauv no tsawg zog lawm nawj cov brothers heheehehehe....JK
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 17th 2015, 2:02 am

Haha kav liam mas bro, khoom thaum twg los mam tuaj mas, kuv los tsis kav ntu no khwv kawg, pob tw tsis cuag tog li lawm thiab os hehehe.

Bro ceev faj 1 ntsis FBI tuaj pom koj cov lus no ces koj ho ntxhov siab thaum tsaus ntuj laiv  lol! lol! lol!
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Thov Khawv July 17th 2015, 2:15 am

Hhaha...bro niag FBI ntawd tsis paub tuaj tej no os. Thiab nws tsis paub ua tej account yuav tuaj tau, tsuas yog nkag tau FB nkaus xwb, nyaj tsis ntshai nes hehehee.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 17th 2015, 2:23 am

Hahaha yog li mas tso siab lawm mas  Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Thov Khawv July 17th 2015, 3:25 am

Niag FBI ntawd ces twb yog tim kuv thiab mas bro aw, twb yog kuv qhia qhia nws txawj ces nws tig rov xyuas kuv. Hehehe
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 17th 2015, 4:11 am

Hahaha bro kav liam mas, hos kuv niag ces tsis paub kov dab tsi li os, tsuas paub saib duab, mloog nkauj, saib movies tej xwb kuv mas taus zoo kawg nkaus  lol! lol! lol!
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Thov Khawv July 17th 2015, 11:25 am

Li ko mas thiaj qoos ov bro...yog li ko mas tso siab lug ntag os. Tej thaum cov mi zaub mos i sau ntawv thab yus los thiaj tsis laj nrog FBI sib cav.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub July 17th 2015, 3:55 pm

2 tub brother, civ FBI tim kuv nov ma nyia saib nyia lub laptop, tab si ib ntsi lawv mus saib cov haib2 lawm laiv, lawv tsi pub yus pom tab si koj rov mus saib history lawv lub laptop ma koj mam li pom cov link ua lawv mus saib lawm, thaum mus kuaj pom es yus nia mus saib ma lawv nyiam kawg nkau.

Thaum yus mus kuaj pom lawm ces yus ua txoj lo hai lus tej yam li ua bau suav rau ma lawv tsi lees kiag ces yus hai tias, koj tsi lees tab si ce wb ob leeg saib nawb! vim koj twb saib tag zog lawm es koj dag hai tias koj yeej tsi paub tsi tau pom dua li no ma cia kuv mus koj seb koj mus qhov twg rau qhov twg nawb no ma, yus mus muab tso kiag rau nws saib ces nws li lees zoo2 xwb.

tam sim nov ma lawv ntse2 lawm laiv, lawv saib tag ma lawv clear history tag lawm ces yus mus kuaj tsi tau lawm thiab no hov. Yus li lo yus ua si tag ma yuav tau clear yus lub kom tag thiab vim lawv lo nyiag check yus lub computer seb yus mus qhov twg rau qhov twg thiab laiv.
Zoo rau cov tsi paub kiag xwb ma thiaj li tsi muaj kev kub ntxhov xwb os.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 19th 2015, 4:12 am

Haha bro Davdub, yog li ko mas kawg nyias taus nyias saib ces puam chawj xwb lauj hehehehe. Hos yog yus yuav ua tej yam txawv txawv mas yuav tau be careful nawb hehehe.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub July 19th 2015, 11:40 am

kwv Nraug Cuam, yog kawg li koj hai ma.  Ua neeg nyob ces nyob ntawm nyia tus kheej xwb tiag.
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Thov Khawv July 19th 2015, 7:15 pm

Brothers, kuv nyiam mus tham cov hluas nkauj nyiam nyiam saib porn ntawd ntag os. Cia nws saib porn tag es yus mam tham mas aub...ntxim yuav npliag nplaws li qab tsua txia dej xwb tiag.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub July 19th 2015, 8:41 pm

Haaaa, tej zaum thiab os, cov ntxhai nyiam saib cov liab qab li ntawd ces lawv yeej nyiam ua si hom ntawd ntag ma.
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Thov Khawv July 20th 2015, 12:24 am

Heeeee...yog kawg. Brother Davdub cov mi nyuam ntxhais tam sim no mas lawv hnav skirts siab siab show ncej qab dawb rau yus mas oh chim yus siab tshaj li tiag. Kawg tias yus tom tom yus cov hniav hmob tag li.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub July 20th 2015, 3:20 pm

Haaaa,  tsuav tseem hawj2 ma,  yog thaum tsi hawj lawm ces ho yuav tau mus nrhiav Viagra  lo siv thiaj work ces tus siab lawm laiv.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 21st 2015, 7:37 pm

Davdub wrote:kwv Nraug Cuam, yog kawg li koj hai ma.  Ua neeg nyob ces nyob ntawm nyia tus kheej xwb tiag.

Haha bro koj mas yuav tau be careful kom zoo laiv FBI thiaj ntes tsis tau thaum yus xav saib tej zaub mos li pov haum nas hahaha, nco ntsoov saib tag ces lear kom du lug xwb mas hehehe.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 21st 2015, 7:38 pm

Thov Khawv wrote:Brothers, kuv nyiam mus tham cov hluas nkauj nyiam nyiam saib porn ntawd ntag os. Cia nws saib porn tag es yus mam tham mas aub...ntxim yuav npliag nplaws li qab tsua txia dej xwb tiag.

Hahaha yog kawg bro, nam porn mas yog 1 yam tshuaj qab ntug 6 poj niam & txiv neej nawb, kuv ces saib thaum twg ces yeej sawv tsees xwb hos hahahahaha.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 21st 2015, 7:40 pm

Thov Khawv wrote:
Heeeee...yog kawg. Brother Davdub cov mi nyuam ntxhais tam sim no mas lawv hnav skirts siab siab show ncej qab dawb rau yus mas oh chim yus siab tshaj li tiag. Kawg tias yus tom tom yus cov hniav hmob tag li.

Bro lauj wb ces expire lawm ces kawg chim chim siab tseg lawm xwb os hehehehe.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub July 21st 2015, 9:01 pm

Yog lawm ma, yus lau lawm ces yus kawg ntsia lawv cov hlua siv lawm xwb tiag.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 21st 2015, 10:21 pm

Hahaha bro nag hmo kuv mus de zaub nyuj los txog ntawm kev tseem los phoom 1 khub tab tom yuav sib ev mas haib tas tas kiag lol lol lol.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub July 22nd 2015, 3:41 am

Bro, cov niam nov ma lawv sib ev sai2 lawm xwb, lawv khoov kiag xwb ces tuaj tom pob tws li 2 nathi xwb hauj lwm ntshe lawm os. Sab maim nov ma neeg paub zoo nyob heev lawm ma hai yam sib ev heev lawm.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 23rd 2015, 2:14 am

Hahaha yog kawg bro, cov tub ntxhais xab maim no mas yom 10-11-12 tej xwb los yeej sib ev muaj sib ev txaus li lawm tiag.
Thov Khawv
Thov Khawv

Registration date : 2014-05-20

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Thov Khawv July 23rd 2015, 8:20 am

Bro..sib ev sab dhau lawm os yom. Zoo tiag mas ua qav tsuam qe xwb thiaj tsis sab sab. Bro lwm zaus koj mus hlais zaub nyuj koj ntsib dua mas koj mus khuj ntag nawb, koj tias kuv pom tag lawm yog tsis pub kuv ua ces kuv qhia seb nkawv yuav hais li cas. JK Hehehehe

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub July 23rd 2015, 3:28 pm

Yog yus pom lawm ce qws tawv2 hai tias, kuv pom lawm ma tsi tau ntag yuav tsum kho kuv xwb2 vim ua li ma kuv poob plig lawm ces yuav tsum kho xwb yog tsi kho ma tsi tau kiag no xwb ma? es ua kom tus niag poj niam ntawd thiab txiv neej ntawd yuav teb li ca xwb.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 23rd 2015, 6:42 pm

Thov Khawv wrote:Bro..sib ev sab dhau lawm os yom. Zoo tiag mas ua qav tsuam qe xwb thiaj tsis sab sab. Bro lwm zaus koj mus hlais zaub nyuj koj ntsib dua mas koj mus khuj ntag nawb, koj tias kuv pom tag lawm yog tsis pub kuv ua ces kuv qhia seb nkawv yuav hais li cas. JK Hehehehe

Haha yog kawg bro, cia lwm zaus yog ntsib dua no mam khuj seb puas tau ov lol lol lol.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 23rd 2015, 6:50 pm

Davdub wrote:Yog yus pom lawm ce qws tawv2 hai tias, kuv pom lawm ma tsi tau ntag yuav tsum kho kuv xwb2 vim ua li ma kuv poob plig lawm ces yuav tsum kho xwb yog tsi kho ma tsi tau kiag no xwb ma? es ua kom tus niag poj niam ntawd thiab txiv neej ntawd yuav teb li ca xwb.

Haha yog kawg bro, yuav tau ua koj zaj no nawb lwm zaus os.  Thaum yus tseem me pheej hnov tias yog yus mus ntsib luag sib deev ces yuav tau kom luag hu yus plig no ntshe yog li koj hais no lawm ntag lauj bro lol lol lol.

Registration date : 2014-08-06

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Jesqav July 23rd 2015, 7:13 pm

Davdub wrote:Yog yus pom lawm ce qws tawv2 hai tias, kuv pom lawm ma tsi tau ntag yuav tsum kho kuv xwb2 vim ua li ma kuv poob plig lawm ces yuav tsum kho xwb yog tsi kho ma tsi tau kiag no xwb ma? es ua kom tus niag poj niam ntawd thiab txiv neej ntawd yuav teb li ca xwb.

Haha Brother Davdub, yus mus phoom luag kuv tseem ntshai tsam luag khiav es sav duav es yus tseem yuav tau kho luag thiab os haha. Vim ceeb loj heev ce sav duav txham dej lawm haha. Tsam lawv tia wb twb nkaum deb baum no koj tseem tuaj thiab no ned he he he.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 23rd 2015, 7:34 pm

Hahaha kuv kuj muaj ntsis ntshai tias tsam yus mus phoom luag ces kav phom daig plab khov ces ho tuag yus tseem tau 4 thiab no tiag, li ntawv kuv thiaj ua txuj tsis pom nkawv ces too hau ntshis los lawm xwb  lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

Last edited by Nraug Cuam on July 23rd 2015, 8:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

Registration date : 2014-08-06

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Jesqav July 23rd 2015, 7:59 pm

Haha txaug luag kawg li koj haha
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 23rd 2015, 8:18 pm

Haha Tubntsesqav kuv twb keev hnov cov laus tham coob leej li ntawv lawm hos, txiv yawg tab tom tua pom ces muaj neeg tuaj tshuam ces aib pog cia li tsaug taw yawg ntxeev hlo ces phom daig nkaus kav ntag ces yawg mob plab ceev li ceev tshuav tuag xwb no tiag. Kuj tsis nug ntxiv tias thaum zoo li lawm ne ho yuav solve li cas? rov ntsaws nkaus lub tshiab 6 es tshoob tawm xwb po los kawg mus ntsib Dr xwb? hahahahaha

Registration date : 2014-08-06

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Jesqav July 23rd 2015, 8:46 pm

Haha kuv lo nov lawv hai li koj ha ko thiab tiag. Thaum ntawd ceeb loj dlhau hwv lawm ntshe ua kej phom poob tag li lawm thiab xyov rov tua dua pua nrov li lawm laud haha. Kawg mus cuag poj saub tim qab ntug es poj saub muab tshuaj tim qab ntug rau hau lawm xwb laud...haha. Lawv cov ntshuaj tim qab ntug ce nyob puag pem av sab xeeb kaum thiab no laiv. haah.
Nraug Cuam
Nraug Cuam

Registration date : 2011-09-25

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Nraug Cuam July 23rd 2015, 9:05 pm

Hahahaha tej zaum yav thauv mas kawg mus cua poj saub li koj hais xwb tiag yog phom daig os  lol! lol! lol! hos xab maim no ces kab tias kawg mus thws 6 cov poj saub & yawg saub tim hospital saib xwb tiag hahahaha.

Registration date : 2009-12-19

Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by Davdub July 23rd 2015, 9:36 pm

2 tug, kuv hnov luag tham xwb kuv lo kuj tsi tau pom tus neeg ua twb ntsib dua lo lawm, kuv xav hai tias yog kuv tseem tab tom ua zoo li ntawd ma txawm muaj neeg tuaj lo kuv yeej ua kuv li ntag nawb, tsuav tsi txhob yog luag tej neeg muaj tswv xwb ma, yog hlua nkauj xwb ma kuv tsi k leej twg li kuv ua kuv tag kuv li tsum.

Registration date : 2008-09-12

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Welcome Nom  Tswb Thoj to the Forum Empty Re: Welcome Nom Tswb Thoj to the Forum

Post by koobpovtxuj July 23rd 2015, 10:17 pm

Thaum ub peb nyob tim thaib teb zos vinai.KIuv coj hluas nkauj mus ua si nho cas tseem mus phoom 2 niag tab tom tuaj sib do phij phooj ntawm ntug kev thiab.Kuv cia loi muab kuv tus hluas nkauj qaim kiag hauv qhov tsos pos nkaus zes noog thiab xwb tiag.Tsis ua li ces tsam lawv tas yus tas thiab ces yus tus hluas nkauj tsis tau ne.

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